Sponsors http://animation12.cs.manchester.ac.uk/about/sponsors Wed, 27 May 2015 12:38:05 +0000 Joomla! 1.7 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Google http://animation12.cs.manchester.ac.uk/about/sponsors/37-google http://animation12.cs.manchester.ac.uk/about/sponsors/37-google


We're delighted to announce Google as an official partner of Animation12.

Google have generously funded the Animation Competition since 2010, as part of their CS4HS "Bringing Computer Science to Schools" programme.


rina@cs.man.ac.uk (Super User) Tue, 23 Aug 2011 17:02:01 +0000
Electronic Arts http://animation12.cs.manchester.ac.uk/about/sponsors/34-ea http://animation12.cs.manchester.ac.uk/about/sponsors/34-ea Electronic Arts logo


We're delighted to announce Electronic Arts (www.ea.com) as an official partner of Animation12.

EA are especially well placed to support Manchester with the competition. Like us, they believe that software has the potential to revolutionise and reinvigorate computer science education. This partnership builds on EA's generous sponsorship of the 2009, 2010 and 2011 competitions.

rina@cs.man.ac.uk (Super User) Tue, 23 Aug 2011 17:02:01 +0000
NESTA http://animation12.cs.manchester.ac.uk/about/sponsors/35-nesta http://animation12.cs.manchester.ac.uk/about/sponsors/35-nesta Sponsor

We're delighted to announce NESTA as an official partner of Animation12. Through their generous funding we a proud to run Animation12, in collaboration with BAFTA, as part of the UK National Games and Visual Effects Initiative.


rina@cs.man.ac.uk (Super User) Tue, 23 Aug 2011 17:02:01 +0000
CS4FN http://animation12.cs.manchester.ac.uk/about/sponsors/36-cs4fn http://animation12.cs.manchester.ac.uk/about/sponsors/36-cs4fn


We have worked closely with cs4fn for many years and - working to show that Computer Science is fun! 

rina@cs.man.ac.uk (Super User) Tue, 23 Aug 2011 17:02:01 +0000
BAFTA http://animation12.cs.manchester.ac.uk/about/sponsors/38-bafta http://animation12.cs.manchester.ac.uk/about/sponsors/38-bafta


Both Animation12 and BAFTA's Young Game Designers competition are part of the UK National Games and Visual Effects Initiative, funded by NESTA.

rina@cs.man.ac.uk (Super User) Tue, 23 Aug 2011 17:02:01 +0000
Computing at School http://animation12.cs.manchester.ac.uk/about/sponsors/58-cas http://animation12.cs.manchester.ac.uk/about/sponsors/58-cas


Computing at School was born out of our excitement with our discipline, combined with a serious concern that many students are being “turned off” computing by a combination of factors that have conspired to make the subject seem dull and pedestrian. Our goal is to put the excitement back into Computing at school. Join CAS and get involved!




rina@cs.man.ac.uk (Super User) Tue, 23 Aug 2011 17:02:01 +0000