
The 6th Annual UK Schools Computer Animation Competition

Congratulations to all the Animation13 winners! See them all in the winners’ gallery!

Animation14 has now launched! =>

On Friday 12 July 2013, 41 students from 24 schools collected nearly 50 prizes, at the Animation13 Awards and Inspirational Computer Science Day at The University of Manchester.

We welcomed nearly 400 schoolchildren and their teachers for a fantastic awards show in the morning, followed by an afternoon of hands-on computer science activities (see our menu, and the 3D capture gallery), and an amazing keynote talk by Gavin Brown on “Making Computers think”.

Between September 2012 and April 2013, 667 schools registered for the competition, and we received 1,120 entries from 154 schools, from 1,583 students.

Join our mailing list to receive the latest news! Follow us on Twitter @AnimationComp, #animation14.

Animation14 Awards Day is Friday 11 July 2014

Video of the day coming soon!

Toby Howard

Chair, Animation13, Director of Undergraduate Studies, School of Computer Science at The University of Manchester.

Timelapse of the Animation12 Festival stage set up

Timelapse of the Animation12 Festival stage set up

photo gallery
winning animations

667 schools registered!