A Memorial Service for
Tom Kilburn was held at the University of
Manchester at 12.30 pm on Tuesday 1st May 2001 at the
University's Chaplaincy, at
St Peter's House
Precinct Centre
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9GH
The Memorial Service was followed at 1.15 pm by a Buffet Luncheon in St Peter’s House.
At 2.15 pm, the Chancellor of The University of Manchester, The Lord Flowers, unveiled a plaque in the Foyer of the Department of Computer Science to mark the naming of the building as the Kilburn Building.
Around 250 people were present at the service, including Tom's son, the Lord
Mayor of Manchester, the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress of Trafford, and that other
great pioneer of British computers, Sir Maurice Wilkes.
The Order of Service is given below, and much of the content of the service is given on a further page.
Welcome: The Reverend Liz Carnelley
Opening Prayer
Hymn: O God, our help in ages past
Speaker: The Vice Chancellor Professor Sir Martin Harris
Reading: Ecclesiasticus 44: 1-15 Read by Christopher Burton
Hymn: Father, hear the prayer we offer
Speaker: Peter Hall
Video Reflection
Speaker: Professor Dai Edwards
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Hymn: For all the Saints who from their labours rest