Would you like to work on the replica of "the Baby" computer -- see pictures? This Baby ran its first program on 21 June 1998 - fifty years after the original first stored program computer ran in Manchester.
The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester (see Galleries > 1830 Warehouse > Baby Computer) still welcomes your help to keep it in working order and to demonstrate it to visitors.
You need to have some experience in and knowledge of electronics. You will join the Museum's volunteer programme. You will receive training on the computer's operation and maintenance and on the history of the original and this rebuild.
You will need to be available during the week or at weekends for demonstrations, probably for at least 2 hours per week; training will take place on Tuesdays.
If you are interested in helping, please contact the MOSI curators, tel 0161 606 0119 or by email: collections@mosi.org.uk