Digital 60 Celebratory Seminar

The Computer Conservation Society

North West Group

2.30pm - 4.30pm, Friday 20th June 2008

The John Casken Lecture Theatre, The Martin Harris Centre, Bridgeford Street, The University of Manchester.

The Computer Conservation Society will be presenting a seminar as part of the programme of events planned to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the birth of the computer.

Bill Olle - 'Eight significant events in a 60 year history of computing'

Prof. Simon Lavington - 'Where did it all go? - tracing the influence of Manchester computer designs, 1948 - 1974'

This seminar is free and open to all and you do not need to be a computer specialist to appreciate the talks.

There should be room for all who turn up, but to avoid being disappointed at not getting in, you are recommended to reserve a place by phoning 01691 791314. Calls will be recorded and not necessarily acknowledged. Please use the same number to free your seat if later you find you are unable to attend.

Bridgeford St is off Oxford Road opposite the new, circular, SCAN building, which is next to the Kilburn Building. The Martin Harris Centre is about 100yds down on the left.

The Computer Conservation Society gratefully acknowledges the support of the University of Manchester in presenting this seminar.
