A.M. Turing, 1951
This is an edited list of the contents of the handbook from the transcription by Robert Thau from MIT. Copies of his transcription in both HTML and PDF are included on this website with his kind permission. The headings and subheadings are linked into his HTML transcription. The numbered links, e.g 3, (or letters, e.g. (B)) give the page number in the original manual, and by following the link you can see a facsimile of the original page from The Turing Archive for the History of Computing.
Note that page references in the manual are of course to numbered pages in the original, which bear no relation to the PDF page numbers or to the HTML pages. In such cases a link is given in both PDF and HTML versions to the approximate relevant area of the original page. But whereas the PDF version gives the original page number, the HTML version leaves it blank.
General Remarks on Electronic Computers
Scales of notation
The Forms of Storage Used
Description of the Reduced Machine
Examples of programmes on the reduced machine.
MULREP listing
Check sheets
[SUMPGA listing]
[SUMPGA check sheet]
The multiplier and the double length accumulator
The logical operations --
Example of use of '&'
-- Example for reader
The B-tube.
Miscellaneous special functions --
Dummy stops
The hooter
The hand switches
The position of the most significant digit
-- The random numbers generator
The clock
The sixty-fifth lines
[Relative branches]
The time occupied by various operations
The magnetic wheel
The input and output mechanisms
Examples of magnetic instructions,
[Library input routines]
Warning character J,
Warning character K,
Warning character Z,
Warning character Q,
Warning character ",
Warning character X,
[Input routine timing]
Tape handling equipment
The console
Starting the machine
The permanent information PERM. The routine changing
Restricted use of electronic stores. Normal duties of pages.
B-tube conventions
Conventions regarding the use of magnetic storage
The formal mode of operation
Replacability conventions
Programming Principles
(i) Make a plan
(ii) Break the problem down
(iii) Do the programming of the new subroutines
(iv) Programme the main routine
Programming hints
Manoevring space
Do programming directly in teleprint code
Counting procedure
Discrimination by control transfer
The B-tube as shunting station
Omission of counting
Alternative entry
Changing sign in the accumulator
Twenty-digit numbers
Clearing the accumulator
Electronic space economy measures
Duplication of use of lines,
Positioning of dummy stops,
Relative control transfers,
Inaccurate numbers,
Changeling instructions)
Wholesale reciprocals
Tchebysheff polynomials
The official account of a routine
Writing tapes
Job-steering tapes
Checking procedures
Measures concerning machine breakdown
Measures against intermittent error
Measures against wrong programmes
Measures against routines wrong in magnetic tracks
Measures against finger trouble
Brief reminders
The Pilot Machine
(Manchester Computer Mark I)
Magnetic instructions on the pilot machine
Times on the pilot machine
Input and Output on pilot machine
Programming on the pilot machine
Normal duties of tubes. PERM. Routine changing sequence.
[Standard routines for the pilot machine]
94 (
Mathematical functions
Testing routines)
Problems tackled
Reliability of the pilot machine
Powers of 10
Binary-Decimal Conversion Table
Multiplication table
Addition table
Multiplication by powers of 2
Table of function symbols
PERM and the Routine Changing Sequence
Index (Facsimile only, see below)
This is a transcription of the Index as provided in the original manual. The numbered links are to the facsimile pages in The Turing Archive for the History of Computing as in the Table of Contents above. If a page is followed by a number in square brackets this means that the reference is not obviously visible on the given page and the bracketed number gives a more obvious alternative page
Abbreviations 18 Accumulator 7 Active 38 Action 56, 76 Actual instructions 20 Addressless instructions 22 Alternative entry 68 And 33 [18] Beats 27 B-exceptional 20 Binary scale conventions 2 Blackout 27 B-normal 20 B sign flip-flop 21 B tube 19 Capacity of store 4 Carriage return 3, 32 Changing sign 69 Check characters 74 Checking transfers 28 Check sheets 12 Clearing Accumulators 69 Clock 26 Column 5 Completion signals (= Prepulses) 8, 40 Ditto single 40 Ditto slow 40 Control 7 Conventions 48 Counting 66 Counting, omission of 63, 65 [68] Cue 49, 73 D (= multiplicand) 16, 18 Destination sequence 77 Digit 2 Digit area 5 Digit period 27 Disadvantageous features 50 Double length accumulator 15 Dummy stops 24, 38, 71 Economic factors 61 Electronic page 5 False cues 50 Figure shift 3, 32 Fleas 60 Formal mode 25, 55 Fractional conventions 16 |
Hand switches (H) 25 Hooter 24 Input routine 34 Instructions 8 Job-steering tapes 78 Keyboard perforator 37 Keys 38 Left 27 Letter shift 3, 32 Line feed 3, 32 Line 5 Line-pair (long line) 5 Link 49, 51 Logarithm 48 [49] Logical operations 18 Magnetic store 4 MAN-AUTO switch 38 Magnetic instruction 28 Manoevring space 65 Manual writing 45 Master routine 49 Meaningful sequence 34 Monitor 42 Most significant digit 25 Multiplicand 16, 18 Multiplier 15 Natural order 29 [30] Not 18 Not equivalent 18 Or 18, 33 Obeying an instruction 8 Official account 10, 14, 73 Page 5 PERM 48 [49] P0-P19 40 Plus (or minus) convention 16 Prepulses (completion signals) 8 Present instruction (P.I.) 7 Presumptive instructions 20 Principle lines 73 'Q' 21 |
Random numbers generator 25 Reading transfers 28 Reciprocal 48 [49], 72 Reduced machine 7 Replacability 58 Reversed order 29 [30] Right 27 Routine 10 Routine changing sequence 49 Row of digits 16 Sandwiching 65, 71 Self-starter routines 48 Short lines 5 Shunting station (B tube as) 67 Sixty-fifth line 6, 7, 26, 29 Space 3, 32 Special functions 30, 33 [31] Special working space 53 Standard form 14, 25 Starting 46 Stunts 3 Subroutines 49 Systematic working space 52 Switches 38 Tapes 76 Tape address 79 Time 27 Teleprint characters 3 Teletype 37 Titling sequence 56 Tracks 27 Transient effects 41 True cue 50 Tschebysheff polynomials 72 Tube 5 Unsystematic working space 52 Variable subroutines 74 Warning character 34 Write-erase switch 41 Writing tapes 77 Write power 42 Working space 50 [(F)], 55, 60 Writing transfers 77 |
This gives a link to each physical page in the manual in The Turing Archive for the History of Computing, in order. The pages there are linked in order, but this random access list is provided in case it sometimes proves useful. A brief description is used for unnumbered pages and the usual page number is used otherwise. "+1" indicates a further page used for a figure.
Title page Errata +1 Preface 1 2 3 4 Monitor tube photo 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Code fragment 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Punched Card photo 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Figures : (A) (B) (C) (D) Note by Manual owner (E) +1 (F) (G) +1 (H) Index +1 +1
Where authorship of a Chapter is given, this is the known main author (or person responsible) for the Chapter. Otherwise the section is most likely to have been written by Cicely Popplewell and/or Tony Brooker. The links in Chapter 1 are to the corresponding headings in the transcription of Chapter 1 provided on this site
The Logical Design of the Machine and the Instruction Code
1 General remarks on electronic computers
2 Scales of notation
3 The forms of storage used -- The electronic store
4 The control
5 Representation of instructions
6 The arithmetical unit -- Representation of numbers -- The multiplier -- The arithmetical instructions -- Most significant digit, Sideways adder, Random number generator, The logical instructions
7 The control transfer instructions
8 The B-tube and the associated instructions
9 Miscellaneous instructions
10 The magnetic instructions -- Input and output equipment
11 The time occupied by various operations (See also Abbreviated instruction code (in numerical order) from the Appendix, and Summary Instruction Code (ordered logically).) Note that the first three sections have minimal changes relative to the First Edition. The material from "The Control" onwards is a complete rewrite by Brooker, with Turing's original words reappearing occasionally, notably in "Random number generator" and "Miscellaneous instructions". The First Edition relative to the Second only has the one chapter, which covers similar material to Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of the 2nd Edition. At the point of divergence Turing went on to describe a subset computer, with around 10 instructions, comprising two basic control instructions and a small set of arithmetic instructions, using just a single-length accumulator. This was for didactic reasons, allowing him to give some examples of simple programmes and programming methodology before going on to describe the full features of the machine and the program loading mechanisms (under what later became known as Scheme A). The manual finishes with a comprehensive description of the recommended conventions and mechanisms for running programs and a discussion of programming principles. One of the appendices gives a short description of the Manchester Mark 1 (although it is not clear why it is included).
Coding Examples
Introduction -- Examples -- Coding Hints
The Preparation of a Problem: Programming: Scheme A
Coding and programming -- Library routines -- The master routine of a problem -- Scheme A -- True and false cues --The routine changing sequence -- Check characters for single page routines -- Routines having more than two pages -- Variable sub-routines -- The official account of a routine -- The INPUT routine --Warning characters -- Rough tapes -- Setting the directory -- Writing tapes -- WRITE -- Punching writing tapes -- Compound tapes -- Steering Tapes -- Conventions.
Programming (cont): Scheme B
The size of a routine -- Organization of routines -- Sub- and ad- routines -- Levels of organization -- Open and closed routines -- Cue of a routine -- The cue directory -- The routine changing sequence/B -- Design of closed routines -- Example of programming with Scheme B -- Conventions -- Strategical considerations -- Coding the individual routines -- The input organisation for Scheme B -- The routine B.INPUT --The assembly of a program tape -- Examples illustrating the use of a WORKING PERM -- Use of 'electronic' routines -- Input of numerical (Decimal) data -- Library routine tapes.
Aids to Coding
Introduction -- Translation routines -- Interpretive (master) routines -- Decoding -- To enter and leave INTERCODE -- The design of closed routines for use with INTERCODE -- Routine changing instructions -- Description of FLOATCODE.
The Calculation of Functions of a Single Variable
Introduction -- Power Series -- The Taylor series -- Tchebychef polynomials -- Functions which satisfy an algebraic equation -- Iterative methods -- Repetitive methods -- Digit-by-digit methods -- Functions which satisfy an algebraic addition law -- The logarithmic function -- The inverse trigonometric functions -- The exponential function -- Interpolation -- References.
Equations of the first order -- Equations of higher order -- Dynamical equations -- Jury problems -- Iterative methods -- Organization of the method of solution -- Gill-Kutta routine -- References
Fault Diagnosis in Programmes
Introduction -- Instruction sequence check -- Numerical check (Scheme B) -- The mechanism of NUMBERCHECK -- References
Measures against Machine Breakdown
Warning -- Nature of faults -- Error detection and precautions -- The reliability of the magnetic store -- Track testing techniques -- The detection of faulty magnetic transfers -- The correction of faulty magnetic transfers
The console -- The tape preparation equipment -- Abbreviated instruction code -- Magnetic instructions -- The teleprinter code -- Aids to calculation in the scale of 32 -- Specimen coding sheets
1. Originally "@E" instead of "@/" for address 2 of Tube 0. Note that in the First Edition of the Handbook, Turing illustrates a store with 16 pages rather than 8 (and without the error), indicating that it was written before the Ferranti Mark 1 arrived, at a time when he was not sure how many pages there would be (the order code allows for 16 pages).
2. There were only 512 20-bit lines in the CRT store, so 9 bits (rather than 10) would suffice. A larger store may have been contemplated, so the hardware may well have been designed to deal with this possibility. Also allocating two 5-bit groups to the address in an instruction was easier for the programmer using the base-32 system (see 3. below).
3. If there were no B-digits in use, then the base-32 form of a normal 20-bit instruction was easy to construct. E.g. consider ECT± (load the line-pair at address EC into the accumulator). The first two base-32 characters (bits 0-4 and 5-9) give the 10-bit store address EC (see 2. above), and the last two (bits 10-14 and 15-19) the instruction "name" T±. Each 6-bit instruction, e.g. 100010, was known by a two character name, being the base-32 representation of its code preceded by 4 '0's, i.e. as if it occupied the top 6 bits of a 10-bit code, e.g. 00001 00010. The first character of an instruction name is therefore always T (the character for 00001, if its least significant bit is 1) or / (00000, if the l.s. bit is 0).
It was only the third base-32 character of the four-character
instruction that mixed information (i.e. the B-line in the least significant
three bits and the least significant bit of the instruction code in the top
bit -- see the examples in Section 8, on B
instructions). This was where the 32-base system could become really irritating!
For example looking at instruction ECW±, you can tell immediately that
it refers to store address EC, that it has a non-zero B-line field (as the 3rd
character is neither T nor /) and that the instruction is either T±
or /±. To fully decode it you then need to look up (until you know your
base-32 by heart) the digit corresponding to the third character, e.g. W gives
19; then if it is greater than 16 you know the instruction is T±
not /±,
and (subtracting 16) the B-line is 3.
4. Presumably to be read as 3 times 239, but I haven't worked out why yet!
5. The original leaves out the f (for fractional
representation) subscripts.
The value of the accumulator for 754+ is given as 01001 10101
in the Handbook, not 01001 11101. (The operation /½ is A' =
A - D S+, so its result given A = 0, D = 27 and S = 10 is A' = 0 -
27*10, i.e. -270± (or 1024 - 270 = 754+). You can
see what 01001 11101 is by converting to base-32 digits using the
table (or just reading the binary back-to-front!), i.e. [18][23], and then it is 18 + 32*23, i.e. 754.)
6. Given N = 00110 and / = 00000, then for /X/RYN// µ(S) = 28
gives the highest significant "1" in position r28. Of course [S] = 0 has no most significant
digit, so some number outside the range 0 to 39 must be chosen as a special
case -- but it is not immediately obvious why 63 is chosen. The most obvious
is -1, and since it takes 7 bits to represent 39± this would
give 127, i.e. -1±. However as it only takes 6 bits to
represent 39+, then maybe 63 is chosen as the number furthest away
in 6-bit positive notation.
7. The key point to notice here is that the logical instructions take [S]
in the plus-minus convention. Therefore the logical operation in the top 40 bits
of the accumulator is w.r.t. //// (40 zeros) if the most significant bit of [S]
is 0 and ££££ (40 ones) if it is 1. In the given
examples ABCD, E/// and ££// are therefore extended to ABCD////,
E/////// and ££//////; and ABCB and //££ are extended
to ABCB££££
and //££££££.
8. The Handbook actually gives the instructions as follows :
Code | Name | Function | ||||
001101 | /P | C' | = | {s+}0»9 | ||
011101 | /Q | C' | = | {C+ + s+ + 1}0»9 | ||
000101 | /H | C' | = | {s+}0»9 | if [A]± >= 0; otherwise C' = C + 1 | |
000111 | /M | C' | = | {C+ + s+ + 1}0»9 | if [A]± >= 0; otherwise C' = C + 1 |
This implies that the C' = C + 1 that usually starts the execution of the next instruction (before fetching it from store) is suppressed after instructions /Q and /M, and for /H if (and only if) A < 0. I don't believe this, and it is inconsistent with the statement just made "If, as a result of one of the following operations, C' = 25 (say), then control will start selecting instructions from lines 26, 27, 28, etc., until another transfer of control is encountered."
The suffixes on s+ and C+ have been left out, since if
you are taking only the bottom 10 bits it doesn't matter, and in e.g. {C
+ + s+ + 1}0»9 for a relative jump you might expect to
see s± or even {s}0»9± instead. In
fact it also doesn't matter whether the
specification is simply s or {s}0»9 (as for /P and /H);
so long as the resulting value of C + 1 is within range (i.e. bit 9 is 0) the
result will be as desired. I don't know what happened if bit 9 was 1. Was
this taken as a machine error? Did you jump to address 0 by setting C to
511 (last line in store) or 1023 (-1±), or either? Did control
flow automatically from 511 to 0?
8a. The Baby order code used indirect jumps for a good reason; there was a minimal instruction set and it was realised that indirect jumping would be necessary in general programming (and also that relative jumping would be invaluable for relocatable code).
However the most frequent use of jump instructions in a program is to direct addresses, that can be placed directly in the address field of the instruction itself (if the address is not too large). Ironically, with the invention of the B-line, used in the design of the Manchester Mark 1 in October 1948, there was now an easy solution to the indirect case: load the indirect address into a B-line and jump using a zero direct address modified by the B-line. (Alternatively, for a simple multiway switch on the value of an integer, you could store the set of appropriate jump instructions in consecutive store lines, put the integer in a B-line, and then jump to the base address modified by the B-line.) So it is rather a pity that the jump instructions were not changed to using direct addresses. (In the Manchester Mark 1 the reason was probably that inter alia they did not want to change the control circuitry of the existing expanded Baby, in particular the conditional jumps, which worked by skipping just one instruction.)
The two-instruction continuous hooter loop is a good example of the unnecessarily tortuous programming that could result from overcoming the awkwardness of the jump mechanism without wasting space! Maybe one of the uses of the Dummy instruction was to place the direct address safely and clearly in the next instruction, e.g. an instruction at address FS wishing to jump conditionally to address VS + 1 could be written as :
Address Instruction ------- ----------- FS CS/H If A >= 0, jump to instruction given by {CS}0»9 + 1 CS VST£ Otherwise, do nothing --- KS .... --- then carry on ....
9. TM, TX and TV are unused instructions, T" is a duplicate instruction for TG, and T£ is a Dummy instruction, see the end of the "Abbreviated Instruction Code" from the Appendix, and the notes underneath.
10. There are already 3 corrections made by hand to this table in the duplicated Handbook, but two more remain: the last two "Effect"s being given as "[@E]' = @E//" not "[B7]' = [@E]", and "[B7]' = @E/O" not "[B7]' = [@E]. (These hand corrections derive from a set of errata buried in Chapter 2 of the copy I am using; all have been included in the text presented (without highlighting them).)
11. Example (1) of Examples 2 is as follows:
| / | V E / / | count number ---> | E | @ / T : | clear accumulator | @ | / / Q O | set B7 to 62 --> | A | / ½ Q I | partial sum | | : | A : Q G | adjust counter --<-| S | E / / T | test for last cycle
Or, with fuller annotation:
Store Addr. | Instruction | Expanded to (s,b,f) | Comment | |
// | VE// | 62 | The initial value of the counter, 62, the last line pair on a page | |
---> | E/ | @/T: | @/, 0, T: | Set A to 0. ---> indicates that this instruction is the entry point for the whole sequence. Instruction T: (A' = 0) does not use its address field (it is ignored); so the bottom 10 bits are instead used to hold the address required by the jump instruction in the last instruction (remembering that it has to be set to the instruction before the one to be jumped to). So it holds @/, the address of the instruction before the start of the loop. |
@/ | //QO | //, 7, TO | Set B7 to [//], i.e. 62; the loop will count down in B7 in steps of 2, till the first line pair in the page has been added in, when B7 = 0. (The B-exceptional form of the B' = S instruction TO is used; if the B-normal instruction TT is used, B7 would have to be set to 0 first.) | |
--> | ^ | | A/ | /½QI | /½, 7, TI | Add [/½ + [B7]]+ to the accumulator (TI is A' = A + S+), i.e. add the contents of line-pair [B7] in tube 4 (base address /½) to the accumulator in plus convention. This is the begining of the loop. |
| ^ | | | :/ | A:QG | A:, 7, TG | Subtract 2 from B7. The constant 2 is taken from the list of powers of 2 in the PERM page, which is in 20-bit line 3 of Tube 2 (remembering to ignore the track-address line at the top and count from 0), with address A:. |
--<- | S/ | E//T | E/, 0, /T | This tests the last b-line set (or stored), i.e. B7, and if it is >= 0 it resets control to address [E/]0»9, i.e. @/. So if B7 is now -2, i.e. the first line-pair in the page has already been added in, control passes to the next instruction after the sequence shown, with the required answer in the accumulator; otherwise the next instruction obeyed is at @/ + 1, i.e. A/, the beginning of the loop. |
So at the end of the loop, the accumulator will hold the sum of the 32 even line-pairs in Page 4, with L holding the bottom 40 bits, i.e. the sum modulo 240, and M holding the bits above 40.
12. Consider the sequence to program a two instruction loop to set the hooter going continuously, e.g. at the end of a program:
Address Instruction ------- ----------- NS ... FS NS/V Apply single pulse on hooter CS FS/P Unconditional jump to previous instruction KS ...
Beware of reading the FS address in the second instruction as a literal reference to the instruction it wants to jump to! All control address references are indirect, and therefore have to give the address of a line holding the required address. What is more the address has to be one below the instruction to be jumped to (as 1 is always added to the control address at the start of an instruction, before fetching it from store). However the indirect address is only fetched from bits 0-9 of the given address, and some instructions do not use their address field. So it was a common device (to save store) to hold indirect addresses for jumps in redundant address fields of such instructions. One of these instructions of course is the hooter instruction /V. So we see that the indirect store address in the second instruction is that of the first, FS, and the actual address required is sitting in the address field of that, i.e. NS, the store address before FS! See also 13. below.
13. Consider the sequence to program a three instruction loop to set the hooter going continuously, e.g. at the end of a program:
Address Instruction ------- ----------- Q@ ... O@ ///V Apply single pulse on hooter B@ Q@/V Apply single pulse on hooter G@ B@/P Unconditional jump to last-but-one-instruction "@ ...
In the Handbook the first instruction is given as just /V, rather than the ///V. I have changed it to so as not to confuse the casual reader. In fact, see 12. above, the address in the 3rd instruction, B@, refers to (the address field of) the 2nd instruction, Q@, which gives the address one before the address of the 1st instruction -- thereby achieving the jump from 3rd instruction to 1st! It may (or may not) have been a common convention when coding to leave the address field of an instruction with redundant address field empty rather than //, to show that it was available for storing jump addresses.