Abstract Upload

Templates for Uploading Abstracts

All (and only) conference participants are welcome to contribute talks. If you wish to contribute a talk, please submit your abstract in LaTeX format, using the file abstract_template.tex. Here is an example of a completed abstract. If you wish to give a talk, you must submit an abstract by March 19th.

If LaTeX is impossible, we will accept plain text files, but please include the file in a zipped directory.

File Naming Convention

Please use the following naming convention for your abstract file: Last Name_First Name.tex (example: Hamilton_Kevin.tex). Similarly for the zipped directory: Last Name_First Name.zip

Revised Versions

If submitting a revised version, please use the following naming convention for your revised abstract file:
Last Name_First Name-Revised-v.tex (example: Hamilton_Kevin-Revised-v1.tex).

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